How to heat water in the pool

How to heat water in the pool

Do you also find it hard to say goodbye to the swimming season at the end of summer? Pool enclosure combined with a heat pump represents the most efficient way to extend your aquatic enjoyment, which is why tens of thousands of pool owners worldwide have come to love it. As you'll read below, investing in the enclosure and water heating not only allows for outdoor swimming from spring to autumn but also significantly saves on pool maintenance costs and time.

Heated pool water with the help of an enclosure

On average, the water temperature will increase by 5 to 8 degrees if you equip your outdoor pool with a pool cover, and you can swim up to 6 months of the year in all weather conditions. The roof also protects your pool from leaves, insects and debris, saving you money on pool chemicals and maintenance time. Plus, only a covered, enclosed pool eliminates the risk of a child or pet falling in.

Solar pool tarps are a cheaper, eco-friendly alternative for covering your pool and heating the water that works especially well in the summer and early fall. However, as the cloudy days of autumn approach, the effectiveness of solar heating diminishes and you need to reach for more reliable means.

Heat pumps keep pool water warm even in autumn

A pool cover combined with a heat pump is the best choice for (not only) autumn swimming. This is the only solution that can keep the water at a temperature at which you can swim, willingly and happily.

The pool water is heated by the pump absorbing heat from the surrounding air and transforming it into pool water. The high-quality pumps you will find in our e-shop can now be bought at an affordable price, and their operation is significantly lower and more environmentally friendly than other pumps - for example, they do not produce harmful emissions.

In addition, the heat pump can not only heat the water but also cool it, which you will appreciate in the hot summer months!

TIP: Whether you choose a heat pump or a solar sail, don't forget to equip yourself with quality pool accessories, i.e. especially a pool thermometer, a quality pool filter and other components at bargain prices in our e-shop!
